Hi, I'm Nicholas 👋

I'm a Senior Platform Engineer

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Automating SFTP Start/Stop in an Azure Storage Account using GitHub Actions and Federated Authentication

Welcome to this blog post, where we will explore how to automate the process of starting and stopping an SFTP server in an Azure Storage Account using GitHub Actions and Federated Authentication. This approach can help manage resources effectively and reduce costs by ensuring the SFTP server is only running when needed. Create Azure Federated Authentication via GitHub Actions Federated authentication is a method of linking a user’s identity and attributes stored across multiple distinct identity management systems.

Bicep and Terraform useful links

This post will contain a list of useful links and resources for learning Bicep and Terraform, and I have listed some of the community members I follow on Twitter that are very active around the community. Bicep resources Bicep Github AWESOME-Azure-Bicep Gtihub Repo Bicep Playground Building Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Azure Bicep: Part 1 Bicep videos Authoring and deploying Azure resources with Bicep | Azure Friday Bicep April Community Call 2023

DevOps approach using Azure DevOps

In this post, it will contain information on how companies can move to a DevOps culture in your team. I will be using Azure DevOps at the main tool. However, there is other tools that would do the samiliar things like Github Actions and Jenkins etc. DevOps culture Default Branching policy Always use branch policy and set nubmer of reviewers to review your code Document it and make it mandatory on project level.

How to remove wrongly committed using Git

I came across an issue when committing a branch to my repo when working with git and terraform. I removed the large file on my project that was the issue, and it is still having the issue when running the git push. This is the issue below. Solution: run the command git filter-branch –tree-filter ‘rm -rf path of file’ HEAD or git filter-branch -f –index-filter ‘git rm –cached –ignore-unmatch path of large file’ HEAD