Community Events
I am passionate about the community. I am involved in numerous community events and always looking for ways to give back. Here is a list of community events that I am involved in.
Azure Community Enthusiasts User Group
I am the founder of the Azure Community Enthusiasts User Group. We are a group of Azure enthusiasts who meet once a month to discuss the latest and greatest in Azure. I also have a co-organizer Kevin Greene who helps me with the group. See here for more information on the group.
Microsoft Community Insight Podcast
Host of the Microsoft Community Insight Podcast. We interview community leaders and Microsoft employees to get their insights on the latest in Microsoft technologies. The main goal of the podcast is to provide insights to the community on what is happening in Microsoft and help them stay up to date with Microsoft Azure. To listen to the podcast, see here.
Azure Sprint Clean - I participate in the Azure Sprint Clean event where we clean up the Azure documentation and help improve the documentation for the community.
Azure Back to School - Annual Community event in September. For the Community by the Community.
Festive Tech Calender - This is a yearly event where we create a blog post every day in December. I have been participating in this event for the past 2 years and I have learned a lot from it. I have also met a lot of great people through this event and I am always looking forward to the next one.
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