Hi, I'm Nicholas 👋

I'm a Senior Platform Engineer

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Getting Started with Powershell

Date published:

PowerShell is an automation tool used for scripting and configuring multiple operating systems, including Linux and macOS. It used .NET Framework that uses Windows cmdlets or commands to run. Another tool is Azure Powershell, which uses the AZ module, a set of cmdlets for managing cloud resources. If you are new to Powershell, I recommend that you look at the following resources.

  1. Learn Windows Powershell in a Month of Launches.
  2. The Powershell Scripting & Toolmaking - Book.
  3. PSKoans: https://github.com/vexx32/PSKoans.
  4. Powershell Master Class - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQm4zRvvX58
  5. Powershell Community - https://powershell.org
  6. Azure Powershell - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/azure/?view=azps-7.1.0

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