DevOps approach using Azure DevOps
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In this post, it will contain information on how companies can move to a DevOps culture in your team. I will be using Azure DevOps at the main tool. However, there is other tools that would do the samiliar things like Github Actions and Jenkins etc.
DevOps culture
Default Branching policy
- Always use branch policy and set nubmer of reviewers to review your code
- Document it and make it mandatory on project level.
Pull Requests
- make a few Pull Request templates, so you use checks beforehand.
- Make the succesful build, at least 1 other approver and linking of work item too.
- Document your main idea, so no secrets in code and coding being used.
Repo tactics
- When raising pull request always link work items against it
- Create a name convention for repos and branches.
- Deny rights to all Service Principals, so you have to allow specific runs
- Deny running prod pipelines from anything other than main/master
- Make sure you have proper testing of your infrastructure present within the pipeline.
- Make sure you think about how you handle stuff that’s broken such as bugs issues.
- Think of an RBAC structure and always give permission to only group who need access as well as the repo too.
- Make sure you have proper security testing for the environment too. Includes testing static code analysis tools to check code quality and security.