Bicep and Terraform useful links
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This post will contain a list of useful links and resources for learning Bicep and Terraform, and I have listed some of the community members I follow on Twitter that are very active around the community.
Bicep resources
Bicep videos
Authoring and deploying Azure resources with Bicep | Azure Friday
Azure User Group Sweden: Infrastructure as Code with Bicep on tour
Empowering your WVD deployments with Project Bicep, experiences from the field, Freek Berson
Bicep Community members
- Freek Berson, Esther Barthel, Sam Cogan, Gregor Suttie, April Edwards, Kevin Evans, Richard Hooper and Luke Murray etc
Discord Channel
Terraform resources
Terraform Tuesday by Ned in the cloud
Terraform videos
Using Terraform with Azure by John Savill
Terraform explained in 15 mins | Terraform Tutorial for Beginners
Terraform Community members
- Thomas Thornton, April Edwards, Roberth Strand, Marcel Lupo