Using Terraform with Azure DevOps
Terraform is an Infrastructure as code tool that provision and manage cloud and on-premise resources. It is an open-source declarative language that is easy to understand that allows users to dispose of any environment quickly. I will use terraform in this tutorial to create and manage Azure resources. There are four key points in using terraform: provider, resources, state, and data sources. The provider is the cloud provider, such as AzureRM for Azure, and the resources describe the Infrastructure resources, such as virtual networks.
Building Infrastructure with Azure Pipelines using Terraform
Terraform is a tool for building, changing and versioning infrastructure as code. Terraform can manage existing cloud service providers as well as onsite infrastructure. In this tutorial, you will learn how to automate your infrastructure using Terraform by deploying a Resource group, an App service plan and an App service required to deploy a website. This post will be using a sample Azure DevOps web application called PartsUnlimited.